Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Post Partum Depression

This week at breastfeeding support group, we talked about Post Partum Depression.  I learned that Post Partum Depression is not exclusive to sad or depressed mood, but also to anxiety.  I listened as mothers told of terrifying anxiety they had experienced like having vivid images of the walls falling in on them or dropping their children down a flight of stairs.  I was shocked but also comforted because I too had been having these intrusive images pop up in my head.  I knew that the thoughts were probably related to anxiety but I am so frightened by the images and it was comforting to know that I am not abnormal and that I am not alone in my fears.  The counselor told us that if the thoughts keep us from enjoying time with our children or from doing our daily tasks, then we need to seek help.  Some other women said that they experienced greater anxiety and depression after weening their child.  The lactation consultant stated that often breastfeeding can help to ease the experience of Post Partum Depression, so it makes sense that weening can cause such a disruption. 
Here are some typical symptoms of Post Partum Depression/Anxiety:
worry/racing thoughts
anxiety/panic attacks
feeling overwhelmed
difficulty sleeping or sleeping all the time
weight gain or loss
discomfort around the baby
difficulty interacting with baby
feeling of being on an emotional roller coaster
loss of interest or pleasure
possible suicidal thoughts

Now each of us new moms experience some or all of these symptoms at some point.  But if you are unable to function on a daily basis or if you cannot tell the difference between your rational and irrational thoughts, then please get some help.  Check with your local hospital.  Many of them offer support groups and counseling.  Also check out the Post-Partum Support International website for more information. 

Remember, you are not alone and you are not to blame for these feelings and with help you can get better!  Be well.

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