Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Sin of Pride

As I have mentioned before, I listen to a lot of Moody Radio.  In many of the sermons I hear, the preacher mentions that the sin and temptation that is most common and hardest to deal with is the sin of pride.  And if you really think about it, most of the pain we inflict and is inflicted on us is rooted in our pride.  What do I mean?  Well, when our feelings are hurt, it is often our pride that is hurt.  For instance, if someone makes a negative comment about the dinner we made, we are hurt because we took pride in our effort.  We hurt others often because we are more worried about ourselves than the other person.  I would say that attitude comes from pride.  Also this mind set that we deserve something.  Like today, I had a terrible attitude and was not a very good servant to my family.  I was extremely tired from a very busy week and all I wanted to do was rest today -- I didn't want to cook or clean or really show any effort.  Deep inside I thought I deserved a rest.  So I was spoke rather rudely to my husband and my children.  But let's really analyze that attitude.  All we really deserve when we peel everything away is death.  Yes, that's right, we deserve death.  Everything else that is given to us is a gift.  Our very breath is a gift.  Yes we do work hard and often get rewarded for that labor.  But we don't deserve anything.  This attitude leads to all kinds of problems: failed marriages and a bad economy just to name a few.  We can't live our lives with our hands stretched out expecting a handout.  Instead we need to be grateful and gracious.  I didn't have much grace today with my family and I pray that they will forgive me.  My pride has taken a much needed hit and now is the time for humility.  God said it  best, "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Life Revolves Around Food

I have always had a slight obsession with food.  I enjoy cooking and of course eating.  I especially like to eat the items I cook.  But lately my entire world seems to revolve around eating.  It seems that my thoughts are often going to when I am going to get my next meal.  Now this isn't from any lack of food, so I put some thought into the why.  And I think I figured it out -- becoming a mom.  Just think about it.  When you are pregnant you start obsessing about food, with weird cravings and having to eat to ward off nausea.  Then the baby comes, and if you are breastfeeding, your hunger is unsatisfiable.  Your children's need for food fuels the obsession.  Babies eat every 2-4 hours for up to 6+ months, then when they start eating solid foods, you have to start packing snacks from every trip, even the 5 minute trip to the bank.  The time and thought used up by preparing, serving, and eating food is astronomical.  I am hoping that as my kids get older and they can better get their own snacks, that maybe my obsession will diminish -- my waistline needs the break. 
In honor of these thoughts on food I want to give you a list of all the things my soon-to-be one year old son has tried to eat.  I hope it makes you giggle:)

petroleum jelly
a lady bug
a dead leaf
dog food
part of a oak tree helicopter seed
a dust bunny from behind the stove
a used bandaid
a dandelion
a coupon
crusted food from his high chair (who knows how old)
the stuffing from a bean bag
banana peel

And yes he is fine:)